W4sted begins his log reporting that he couldn't sleep again and attempted to fix his suit's audio recorder - with no luck. He has named his suit "Ivan" and threatens to rip out its voice box to replace it with a camera.
Unfortunately, his base's location means that power continues to be an issue; the med bay is not working and even his assembler isn't able to provide necessary parts to continue building. He sets off with his rover to continue salvaging the wreck.
His paranoia kicks in because the wreck has moved - despite the fact that the move had occurred immediately after he left in "Isolation". As darkness descends again, he falls into a mantra -- "grind and move, and grind, and move..." -- and on one occasion, is convinced something is out there.
As he heads back to his base in pitch-black conditions, he realizes he has built his base in a place where it can be seen from miles around, leaving him vulnerable. He vows to paint the base white to hide better, and to do something about the lack of servo assist in his suit, but first on his list is some sort of mobile defender.
W4sted tries to start working on a rover, but his mind is clearly overwhelmed by even this simple task, taking a long time to construct even a rudimentary platform.
He adds more solar panels to his base, but his medical condition and exhaustion finally worsen to the point where he keels over unconscious on top of his base.