Morphologis' survival rover was the first moving object that he designed on Planet Bob. It was a short, light craft designed to use limited resources and be used to detect and move ores.
The rover completely ran on solar energy along with batteries. It was very minimalist as it only had 2 batteries, an antenna, an ore detector, a container, a connector, and a chair. It was held off the ground using 6 wheels. It had a total weight of 1502 kg. This machine also had the feature of being able to self right itself by using the solar panels and motors to push the rover back onto its wheels.
This rover was later mainly used as a satellite of the Mobile Base, used to collect resources and scout out new areas. It was eventually destroyed by the doctor being startled by the grey suit and swerving to miss it. This sent the rover and him off a cliff. Morphologis survived the landing, but there was little left of the rover. The only part of the rover to return was the chair that Morphologis was sitting in when he was rescued by Potatoes.
Its ruins can still be found at the bottom of the canyon.
Potatoes had generally positive feelings about the vehicle, and was sad to see it in such terrible shape after Morph crashed it.