Space Engineers Group Survival Wikia
Space Engineers Group Survival Wikia

TIUS is the AI created by Morphologis as an assistant with his various projects and vehicles.

TIUS was created by Dr. Morphologis when he was a scientist working under a group known only as "The Company" 6 months prior to crashing onto Planet Bob. The name TIUS was chosen by the suit as it came up with its own name, which is just suit backwards.

This very powerful AI has a very sarcastic female voice and also is very pessimistic. It also has a passion for assorted cybernetic and robotic creations in science fiction, including Cylons and the Borg.

Being overly sensitive to volatile organic compounds, it tends to complain about Morphologis' odor through season one. If anything, the only reason TIUS started being cooperative because rotting corpses smells worse, so keeping him alive is better for her in the long run.

TIUS was partially copied into a mining drone that he fabricated to create an automatic miner. Unfortunately, the resources available were insufficient for her program, resulting in a seemingly corrupted or "dumbed down" version of her, which named itself Potatoes.

TIUS controls most of the new base that Morphologis created in the hole left by the giant mining platform and is accessible to all of the survivors.

 Behind-the-Scenes Info[]

Similar to Potatoes, TIUS was voiced by an IVONA text to speech synthesizer which was bought by Amazon. Its voice was that of the voice "Salli" now found inside Amazon Poly.