Space Engineers Group Survival Wikia

The Ultralight was the first of the two aircraft that Captain Shack built. It was initially built to find the escape pod that was seen burning up across the atmosphere. It was eventually used to find Commander W4sted who built his bunker in the tundra. After the commander was rescued, it was used intermittently until it was forgotten after the Warden was created, It was still visible in the hangar up to the 3 survivors leaving to track the grey suit. It can be seen in the background of several scenes in the start of Season 2 where it appeared to possibly be on fire. It was confirmed destroyed and salvaged in Fix It On My Own. Parts from the craft went to repairing the Warden.

Design and upgrades[]

It had a terrible design. The first copy of it had no method of connecting to the main base to obtain power, which was remedied by running a series of wires down to the hangar and building a connector.

The clearance of the plane was very minimal, and was always very loudly crashing into the ground, damaging the bottom, and it is most in control on takeoff and landing when it is about to flip over. Its name, the Ultralight, does not really match its design, as it weighed 16 272 kg empty. (Terran regulations state that the ultralight designation is for planes weighing less than or equal to half a metric ton) Another severe design flaw was having the main propeller being right behind the exposed passenger seat. This seat was deemed to be very "bracing" and better than a "cup of coffee" by the commander and the captain, respectively.

It was later upgraded to have a lighter engine and a hydrogen powered VTOL assist system, which allowed it to not need the entire lake as a runway but this added more weight to the craft, totaling a mass of 25 839 kg. Additionally, the VTOL System had a very minimal amount of fuel, and as such could only be used for short hops or jumps.

Service history[]

This craft was then shot by W4sted's automated turrets, causing Shack to crash. Some on the fly repairs were made, and then a major design overhaul was done back at the base with a view. Just after takeoff to retrieve the commander, it weighed 28 995 kg with ice, and empty, it weighed 24 289 kg.

After this, it was used to transport Commander W4stedspace to the top of a nearby mountain, so he could build a large antenna station. It was not used to retrieve him as the Warden, another, and all around superior shack craft, did so.

In Season 2, the heavily damaged Ultralight was still in the old base hangar. Captain Shack took this opportunity to grab the wreck and cannibalize its parts to repair the Warden.